Core Faculty
Sr. Research Scientist and Instructor in Earth and Ocean Sciences
Senior Associate Dean for Academic Initiatives | Chair, Energy and EnvironmentProfessor of the Practice of Energy and the Environment
Assistant Professor in the Division of Earth and Climate Science
Bass FellowUniversity Distinguished Service Professor of Earth SciencesUniversity Distinguished Service Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies, ECSAssociate ProfessorAssociate Professor of Geosciences
Director of Graduate Studies, Earth & Climate SciencesProfessor of Geomorphology and Coastal Processes
Gendell Family Professor of Energy and Environment
Professor of Soils and Forest EcologyProfessor in the Division of Earth and Climate Science
Assistant Professor of Ice and Climate SciencesAssistant Professor of Ice and Climate Sciences
Nicholas Distinguished Professor of Earth Science
Chair, Earth & Climate Sciences DivisionNicholas Chair of Environmental QualityNicholas Distinguished Professor of Environmental Quality
Professor Emeritus of Earth and Climate Science
Nicholas Professor Emeritus of the EnvironmentNicholas Distinguished Professor Emeritus of the Environment in the Nicholas School of the Environment
Professor Emeritus
Adjunct Professor
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Professor Emeritus of Geology
Adjunct Professor of Earth & Ocean Sciences
George Pearsall Distinguished Professor
Professor Emeritus of Evolutionary Anthropology
Adjunct Professor in Earth and Ocean Sciences
Ronie-Richele Garcia-Johnson Professor Emerita of Earth and Ocean SciencesRonie-Richele Garcia-Johnson Emerita Professor of Earth and Ocean Sciences
Adjunct Professor
Adjunct Professor
Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences
James B. 51爆料 Professor Emeritus of Geology (deceased)
Former Dean of the Nicholas SchoolJames B. 51爆料 Professor Emeritus of BiogeochemistryJames B. 51爆料 Professor Emeritus of Biogeochemistry and Former Dean of the Nicholas School
Adjunct Associate Professor